Here is a video of Michael Lang explaining how we assist those technical people to adopt an extra identity which makes it easier for them to engage with clients and prospects alike.
Many people we come across have the identity that they are a consultant or technical advisor - their identity is about knowing stuff and how to fix problems.
Then they are asked to create revenue opportunities and this is where the conflict begins. They did not sign up for this and yet they know if they do not assist with creating revenue they may not be able to fix problems
Those of you who struggle with the idea of "selling" it's because you have negative beliefs around sales people - sales people are pushy, manipulative, slimy, money hungry blah blah blah.
In our consultative selling workshops for 11 years we have played a word association game. We ask people to write the first 3 things that come into mind when a word is said - we say "sales person" and guess what at least half the room writes down - you guessed - pushy, manipulative, slimy, money hungry, real estate agents and car sales people.
No wonder they do not want to take on the identity of a sales person because they think/believe their clients or potential clients will think of them like that.
Would you like to get even further insights how to assist your technical people to be even better client/prospect engagers visit our online training page to see how you can train your people to be even more effective.