The importance of posturing
If you want to make an impression as a leader or to your prospect your need to be aware of your posturing
Previously we shared some results from over 1 Million sales evaluations around posturing for sales people and in the times of video conferencing how important we focus on posturing.
Here are 11 things you can control to assure that you make a great first impression:
How you come across – your physiology
Your audio – how your voice comes across
Your smile – you have one so use it
Your facial posture – some people frown without knowing it
Your mannerisms – unconsciously touch the face
Your energy – poor posture, poor energy
Your first words
Your tonality
Your speech pattern – smooth, stuttering, ums and ahs
Your speech speed – 140 is perfect
Check out the video of Michael discussing further about the importance of posturing.
Want to improve posturing for your leaders or sales team - click here
SG Partners discussion around the why you shoud focus on posturing